Friday 21 January 2011

The new blog...

Hello there,

For the last 5-6 years I have been keeping an intermittent blog of my musings on my myspace page, usually but lately also

When I first heard of myspace in 2005 I had no idea about the music portal it was to become, I was just looking for somewhere to keep a blog as I liked the idea of an online diary. When I signed up it quickly became pretty obvious the site would be useful to me as a musician, as an online page where I could easily share and hopefully promote the music I was making. I quickly changed my personal page to a music one and then got on with my sporadic blogging.

This year I have come to the decision to migrate my blog away from myspace. It was never the best portal for sharing blogs anyway... myspace has never played nicely with the other social networking sites out there, thinking instead that it could somehow become all of them at once and be much better at it. Integration has been the story of the last few years and myspace have been really slow to catch on. Now they've pushed through some clunky unwieldy changes to the site that have sounded a bit of a death knoll as far as many people I know are concerned. I don't plan to shut down my myspace pages, they still have a use and are usually very high up on google searches, but it does seem sensible to finally move my blog to a space dedicated to blogging. I have for some time been following a couple of entertaining bloggers who use this site and post links through their facebook pages, so, I thought, why not join in!

So perhaps a bit of a boring topic for my first entry, but there you go, I never claimed I was going to make this fun! I'll throw in a small smattering of random contemporaneous information:

Currently reading: Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer by Michael White. A biography written in 1998, I'm only on chapter 1 so won't comment yet, I'm hoping this will be as entertaining as a biography of Robert Hooke a few years ago, and paint a picture more anchored to reality than Neal Stephenson's (incredibly entertaining) take on the era in his Baroque Cycle of novels.

Currently listening to: Field Music - Measure. Although strictly speaking I'm not actually listening to it right now this is an amazing double album by a massively underexposed band from Sunderland that I am currently obsessed with. Many friends had told me of their brilliance but it was only when I saw them live at Tom and Alex White's Maximalism show at the Concord 2 on December 15th (awesome gig, glad to have played a small part meself) that I was properly blown away. Measure is amazing - a double album that rarely wanders into filler territory. I am eager to buy more of their albums bit will have to hold out until the end of the month... I got paid December 23rd last year for this month and am desperately trying to stretch my pennies for one more week!

Where am I?: Right now I'm at work. I spend two days a week wasting away in Whitehawk's local Housing Office.

Looking forward to: going to see the Manic Street Preachers tonight with Heather! Used to be an obsessive fan, as they were one of the first big bands I ever saw live and definitely the first one to make me think, 'whoa - when I grow up I want to pirouette on stage with a guitar in my hand'! I saw them in '96, I think, and the next day my mate Andy and I went straight out and bought Generation Terrorists, cos it was the stuff we hadn't heard on Everything Must Go that impressed us most. They are a band of contradictions, sometimes effortless brilliance sometimes laboured rubbish. Tonight at Brixton Academy will be a good chance to see if they still possess that spark that ignited me so long ago!



1 comment:

  1. I remember the good old days too. It was you who got me into MySpace, I found your blog there and signed up.

    Like you then found it was much better for music and promoting my videos. I cursed the day News International got their hands on it, I could see the future even then... Maybe one day myspace will return to it's musical glory, but this is the place for blogging and welcome (back?) to blogger.
