Monday 9 May 2011

All quiet on the bloggy front?

Yes, I've been silent for a few weeks. There have been lost of changes afoot and I wasn't sure whether to talk about them, or what to say if I did, so I thought I'd keep schtum for the time being. You see, I set up this site as a personal blog, but also with the main purpose of blogging all things 'Adam Kidd Band' related... and then a few weeks back, I suspended blogging activity because 'Adam Kidd Band' ceased to exist.

Fear not though, dear reader, for this marks no end to music-making. We are continuing with the new name Fragile Creatures... which isn't exactly a new name really, it's actually an old song title that suddenly appeared to work conveneintly well as a band name, I'm not sure why we didn't think of it earlier as 'Adam Kidd Band' made me feel a little uneasy every time I had to tell people what my group was called. It wasn't only a name change though, as I doubt that would have caused my temporary silence, no, unfortunately we also asked my brother Ben to leave the band.

All this change his given me a good moment to look back and take stock of where I am and what I've been doing. I've been organising my archive of demo recordings just to get a sense of how much work I have done over the last decade... I turn 30 later this year, so it seems a good time to be doing this archival work, along with running the Brighton Marathon last month (3 hours 47 mins on my first marathon yo!) so I'm in the best physical shape of my life, I know where I've been and I know where I'm heading as I enter my fourth decade!!!

So the batch of songs I've nearly finished recording at the moment can be considered as my fourth solo album - although one of these is more a collection of odds and sods than a distinct period of song-writing, as the other three are. My solo or demo albums are consistently low-fi recordings, I use the recording process as a song-writing tool, finishing off songs by making a sketch of tunes I've been writing on guitar... so they are totally warts and all and not ever really intended for the general public... but I have to confess I am often particularily fond of these versions... as nasty as the production may be (and I'll happily admit to being a terrible drummer/keyboardist), but in these versions the songs are at their purest... the first time they've been performed as a finished song is often in the take that forms the core of the demo/solo album version.

Besides my solo albums, and the Adam Kidd Band album we recorded last year, there's also music I've made with/as rift, Kiyomori and The Pocketwatchers. Rift made the Opal Fruits album (my first) in 1997-8, and followed it with My False Smile EP, Metway Sessions EP, Bitter EP and The Bedroom Demo... all of which could be collected into a 2nd album. Kiyomori released the Uprising EP, but we had a lot of material floating around when we went on hiatus, I've always been keen to collect this stuff together onto a disc as a sort of posthumous album, but I don't have access to a lot of the sessions (if they still exist) and don't even have all the mixes... the Kiyomori beast is not quite dead yet though - we even played a gig this year and now Ben isn't in my band I'd like to keep working with him in some capacity, so Kiyomori may well be it!! The Pocketwatchers have recorded tonnes of material, I saw Andy Haines at the weekend and we agreed it would be a good way to spend a day assessing what we've done and grouping it into collections. I'd say there's definitely 2 albums worth there, possibly three!

 So there you have it folks, including the one I'm working on right now I've recorded at least 10 albums worth of material since I started making my own music, which was probably 1996, or possibly 1995. I'm quite pleased with that!!!

[Think I'll start making the full discography in another blog... I love lists!!!]

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