Wednesday 22 June 2011

Slow Wednesday Reflections...

Well it is incredibly slow today, which is going to give me the opportunity to write a few words while I watch repairmen fixing the door to the little housing office where I work part-time. A while back the office was converted to have better disabled access, but whoever did the planning hadn't realised that an arm installed to open the front door at the push of a button would be defeated by the latch of the existing lock. After a few weeks of sticky ineffective opening a bright spark in the estate services team jammed a screw into the latch allowing the disabled door open button to work again, although it would occasionally stick when the screw worked its way loose.

Yesterday one of our housing officers spotted this screw, and unaware of the mismatched door aparatus removed the screw. Within a few hours the problems this had caused for people trying to get into the building added up and a repair team were called for, the guys who have arrived this morning and fixed the problem while I was writing these two paragraphs. They've removed the latch from the door, which means that the door will open at the push of a button, but it also means it will fly open from a gush of strong wind and I will get very cold hands!! It seems the days are numnbered for this little office anyway, with plans to merge us into some sort of 'hub' building in the deeper darker depths of whitehawk, so I won't be suffering cold hands for many months.

Hopefully by then my burgeoning music career will have reached a point where I can leave the council. I think it's a good organisation (currently the only green led council in the UK I believe) and a worthy thing to be a part of, but I have deliberately stuck myself in a particularily menial role, so I can concentrate most of my efforts on said music career. Last night I had a pretty positive meeting about our future recording plans and it sounds like we're setting up a label to release an EP... during our chat the possible name of Hub Records sprung up - so interestingly I could be seeing myself avoiding the councils hub by starting one of my own!

On Saturday we played our second ever live show as Fragile Creatures as part of an open air street party called People's Day. We were the last act on the mainstage at 5pm, so it felt a little bit like headlining our first festival! There was a large and very supportive crowd of people watching us which grew as we played and included the oldest and youngest members of the audience dancing. The really encouraging thing about this all was that, apart from a couple of our girlfriends, this was a crowd who had never heard of us and never heard our songs before - they loved it and we even got asked to play an encore. Afterwards I was approached by an agent from an international booking agency... I think it's a bit premature to expect anything to come of that, but I would jump at the chance to play concerts in New York, London or Dubai (the cities listed on the front of his business card)... although with some slight reservations about the latter, I've heard some interesting stories, enough to give me pause for thought.

Here's the setlist:

1. Fragile Creatures
2. This Strange Dance  [we cut this one down from it's usual 6 minutes to more like 4]
3. End Of The World (For Two)
4. Stowaways
5. Just A Fool
6. Empty Head

encore: Into The Night

...and here is a video from the show of us performing End Of The World (For Two) that a good friend of mine posted on youtube. I remember saying to him afterwards something like, "did you see how many camera phones were pointed at us? We'll probably end up all over youtube tomorrow." and he, with a knowing smile said, "Yes. You will."

Here it is:

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